Updated May 2022
Established 1947
This society shall be known as “THE SUTTON COLDFIELD ANGLING SOCIETY”.
- To provide and maintain fisheries for the use and enjoyment of members.
- To promote the interests of angling and anglers.
The interests and assets of the Society shall be invested in and at the disposal of the Executive Committee for the time being.
(a) The President shall be invited to serve annually at the Annual General Meeting. This meeting to be held on or about the fourth Thursday in May.
(b) The Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.
(c) A Vice-Chairman shall be elected annually by the Executive Committee from their number at the first meeting following the A.G.M.
(a) The Executive Committee shall be of ten members elected at an A.G.M.
(b) Executive Committee Members shall remain in office for three years after election. A retiring member may seek re-election.
(c) Nomination for Officers and Members of the Executive Committee shall be in writing and lodged with the Secretary not less than twenty-eight days prior to the A.G.M. Nominee and Seconder shall have been members of the Society for not less than one year and shall be present at the A.G.M. to support their nomination. Retiring Officers and Executive Committee Members who seek re-election may stand on their original nomination.
(d) In the event of a vacancy(s) however caused the Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt additional members to the committee. All co-opted committee members shall be ratified at the next A.G.M.
(e) Any Executive Committee Member failing to attend three consecutive meetings without explanation shall be deemed to have retired from the said committee.
(f) Full members shall be provided with a non-transferable photo ID membership card each season.
(a) Any member of the Society who in the opinion of the Executive Committee has given outstanding service to the Society may be invited to the office of Vice-President.
(b) A Vice-President may serve on the Executive Committee as a non-voting member.
Auditors shall be appointed annually at the A.G.M., or, where required at an Extraordinary General Meeting to examine and certify the accounts of the Society.
(a) The business and management of the Society shall be conducted by the President, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and the Executive Committee. Meetings shall be convened at appropriate times during the year. The Chairman shall have a casting vote.
(b) A Quorum shall consist of five members including two officers.
(c) Sub-Committees may be appointed for special purposes or dissolved by the Executive Committee at any time.
(d) The Executive Committee shall have the power to deal with any matters not specifically provided for herein.
(e) All property of the Society (excluding cash which will be under the control of the Hon. Treasurer) including leases and fishing rights shall be held in trust for the benefit and enjoyment of the members.
The Executive Committee shall have the sole power to appoint, replace or remove from office Trustees who shall administer the trust.
The Trustees shall administer the trust within the aims and ideals of the Society and as the Executive Committee shall direct by resolution.
The Trustees shall remain in office until death, resignation or until removed from office by resolution of the Executive Committee.
The Trustees shall be indemnified out of the assets of the Society against any risk or expense incurred by them in pursuance of their office.
(a) The Secretary and Treasurer shall receive all monies due to the Society and shall keep correct accounts of all receipts, deposits and expenditure. The Society’s accounts shall be submitted to the auditors for scrutiny and acceptance annually.
(b) A record shall be kept by the Secretary of the name and address of each member.
(c) The Secretary shall issue all notices in good time. Such notices shall be deemed to be delivered if directed and emailed or posted to the address entered in the Society’s records.
(d) All funds received shall be paid into the Society’s account excepting reasonable amount, which may be retained by the Treasurer for petty cash.
(e) No disbursement of monies from the Society’s account shall be made without the sanction of the Executive Committee excepting such payments of an ordinary or immediate nature which the Treasurer shall have the power to make providing all such payments are recorded at the next Committee meeting.
(f) All Society cheques shall be signed by at least two of the following:-
Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer. Cheques of over one thousand pounds shall require three signatures, a fourth signatory may be appointed for this purpose by the Executive Committee.
(g) The Executive Committee may authorise the reimbursement of any member incurring expense on the Society’s behalf.
Any reference within this document to the male also embraces the
(a) A full member shall be over sixteen years of age and will be entitled to enjoy the rights and facilities of the Society. The member shall have the right to attend and vote at the A.G.M. and stand for office in the Society. Subject to rule 5(c).
(b) Junior members shall be under 16 years of age as at 1st June. Junior members shall be permitted the use of the Society’s waters only when accompanied at all times by a full member, parent, grandparent or legal guardian who shall be responsible for their safety and conduct. Given any deviation from these conditions or any conduct contrary to the rules of the Society, (rule 13), the Committee shall have the power, after due consideration, to revoke the membership of the said Junior Member.
(c) A Full Member/Parent/Grandparent or legal guardian cannot assume responsibility for more than 2 juniors at a time.
(d) None fishing members shall be the partner of a Full member. A non fishing member may also be the Parent, Grandparent or Legal Guardian of a Junior member.
(e) Total membership of the Society shall be decided annually at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
(f) All members shall have the right to ask any person fishing the Society’s waters to produce their membership ID card. If they cannot produce the said document they must leave the water.
(g) Any person desiring to become a member of the Society complete an online application at
or follow the link from the Society’s website.
(h) During the first year probationary period the new member will be expected to attend a number of official working parties. Failure to do so may result in the termination of their membership.
(i) Application for, or renewal of membership shall be deemed as acceptance of the rules of the Society.
(a) The annual subscription shall be decided by the Executive Committee. Members shall be notified at the A.G.M.
(b) The period covered by the annual subscription shall be for 12 months from the date of payment.
(c) Members who have not paid their subscription on the date of renewal or after 15 days grace shall be deemed to have lapsed their membership.
(d) Payments to the Society made by cheque should be made payable to “The Sutton Coldfield Angling Society”. Where time and agenda running order allows, subscription renewals will be accepted prior to the official start of the A.G.M.
(e) If a Junior member does not have a parent, grandparent or legal guardian who is a Full member, then the Junior subscription is deemed to include None Fishing membership for up to 2 adults who must be the Junior’s parent, grandparent or legal guardian.
(a) Members shall be entitled to obtain a permit for a friend to fish the Society’s waters on payment of a fee to be decided by the Executive Committee.
(b) The permit must be obtained before fishing and the visitor shall be accompanied by the sponsoring member who shall be responsible for their conduct and ensure that they have the appropriate rod licences.
(c) A guest may fish the Society’s waters no more than five times in any one year.
(d) Guest permits may be obtained from the Secretary and members of the Executive Committee so nominated who shall have absolute discretion in their issue.
(e) No day permits shall be issued between 16th June and 1st July.
(f) A new member during their first year of probation will not be issued with day permits for guests.
(a) No member shall act in a manner likely to bring the Society into disrepute.
(b) No member shall at any time by action or omission render themselves as a source of annoyance to other members or riparian owners.
(c) Members shall approach Society’s waters only by the routes indicated by instructions issued by the Society. Vehicles shall be parked as stated in the said instructions, care being taken not to obstruct farm vehicles. The Society will not be liable for any loss or damage to any vehicle so parked.
(d) Members shall not take any action which may or is calculated to damage any fences, gates, mowing grass, trees or growing crops.
(e) Members shall not wilfully or knowingly cause injury to fish, animal or bird or farm livestock of the riparian owner.
(f) Members are not permitted to take dogs on Society’s waters.
(g) The lighting of fires is forbidden.
(h) Litter is not permitted. Members shall be responsible for removing all litter from their swim or on the approaches to the said waters.
(i) A member shall be permitted to keep only one brace of game fish in any one day. Exception is made with regard to the River Blithe, where it is forbidden to kill or remove brown trout.
(j) Members shall not publicise the venue of any fish caught in Society’s waters except with express permission of the Executive Committee.
(k) Members fishing for carp and pike from any of the Society’s waters are required to use a suitable unhooking mat and are required to return fish immediately. If photographs are required the camera should be set up prior to fishing. Retaining fish for lengthy periods is strictly forbidden. Carp caught during the hours of darkness may be retained, for photographic purposes in a suitable carp sack but they must be returned to the water within 30 minutes of sun up. The retention of carp and pike in keepnets irrespective of net size or size of fish is not permitted.
(l) No carp, pike or barbel shall be retained in keepnets on Society’s waters except during matches subject to the contests rules. Members wishing to use keepnets to retain other species of fish, must use a net of the knotless variety and ensure that the fish are kept in the best possible condition. The nets to be properly staked out in the deepest water available and the fish retained for the minimum time, twelve hours is considered to be the absolute maximum retention period. Members shall not hold an excessive amount of fish in a net.
(m) Only barbless hooks to be used on all still waters owned or leased by the Society. Treble hooks may be used only when pike fishing and these must be of the semi-barbless type (i.e. barb on the bait point only). Hooks used for all fishing methods on the River Blithe shall be of the barbless type. The filing down, or flattening of barbs on artificial lures or flies is acceptable. Spinning for trout is strictly prohibited on the River Blithe. Anglers are permitted to spin for pike using recognised artificial lures, the use of blade spinners (mepps type), is not allowed.
When wading care should be taken not to disturb spawning beds. Both trout and coarse fish utilise clean gravel around shallows for spawning activity. Wading through areas of where the gravel has been disturbed by spawning fish must be avoided.
(n) The Society may retain a ‘closed season’ on our still waters, the duration and timing within the year to be set by the Executive Committee.
(o) Members shall conform to all regulations of the Environment Agency and adhere to any local bylaws.
(p) Members may use a maximum of three rods at any one time providing they possess the required licence coverage. Additional marker rod and ‘spod’/’spom’ rod may be used for feature finding and baiting up. No other made up rods will be permitted. All rods must be used within the same swim.
No rods should be left unattended and must be in the immediate control of the member.
(q) Cars must be parked sensibly and not block access roads or gateways for any reason.
(r) Members may fish 24 hours per day during the season on Stubby Leas lake with the purchase of the Night Fishing Season Permit which has been limited to 40 permits. The permits can be purchased through Clubmate online at
(s) The use of boats and bait boats is strictly forbidden.
(t) Swimming is not permitted on any of the Society’s venues.
(u) No lead core leaders, braided lines, fixed leads or ‘beach caster’ rigs are to be used.
(v) It shall be incumbent on all members to report to the Executive Committee any breach of the above rules of conduct.
(w) Any member who is brought to the attention of the Disciplinary Sub Committee for being in breach of any of the rules of conduct may be called to answer before the said committee, who following investigation and at their discretion may suspend or expel the member. Where a member is expelled from the Society their membership fee will be forfeit. The member shall have the right to appeal to the Executive Committee with regard to any decision affecting them. Provided that notice of such appeal is submitted in writing to the Honorary Secretary within seven days of notification of the decision. The disciplinary Sub Committee shall comprise of an officer of the Society and two members of the Management Committee appointed from time to time as required.
(a) The Executive Committee shall have the power to alter, add to, delete or amend any rule of the Society pending a general meeting.
(b) Any member wishing to alter, add to, amend any rule of the Society shall make the proposal, properly seconded in writing to the Secretary not less than twenty eight days prior to the A.G.M. and both proposer and seconder shall be present to support their proposal or it shall be deemed to be lost.
(a) If, at any General Meeting of the Society, a resolution be passed calling for the dissolution of the Society, the Secretary shall immediately convene a Special General Meeting of the Society to be held not less than one month thereafter to discuss and vote on the resolution.
(b) If, at that Special Meeting, the resolution is carried out by at least two thirds of the full members present at that meeting, the General Committee shall thereupon, or at such a date and manner as shall have been specified in the resolution, proceed to discharge all the debts and liabilities and, if required to achieve that objective, realise the assets of the Society.
(c) After discharging all the debts and liabilities of the Society, the remaining assets of the Society shall not be paid or distributed amongst the remaining full members of the Society, but shall be given or transferred to some other voluntary organisation having similar objectives to those of the Society.
- Competitors may only break the water prior to the start signal in order to plumb the depth, place keep nets and mix ground bait. Every competitor must fish within one yard of an imaginary line between his peg number and the water. On flowing water he will fish from his position in the direction of flow as far as the next peg. On still water he may fish as far as half the distance between his peg and the pegs either side. Where competitors are drawn on opposite banks the limit of the swim will be the line midway between each bank. The competitor will restrict his activities to these boundaries. Neither, the person, their tackle, or grounds baits may intrude into his neighbour’s swim.
- A competitor shall have in use only one rod, one line and a single hook at any time, but may have other rods and tackles assembled for use in an upright position behind him, provided that no such tackles are baited. Any bait may be used except live or dead fish, spinning baits or artificial lures. Baits may be thrown in by hand of the competitor or by the use of catapults, throwing sticks, swim feeders, and bait droppers. No other mechanical means of projecting ground baits are allowed.
- Competitors should play and land their own fish, but may ask for assistance if required. Competitors will cease fishing at the finishing signal but may be allowed to land a fish hooked prior to the finishing signal. All fish are eligible for weighing in except game fish and crustaceans. Competitors shall not annoy other anglers or interfere in any way with neighbouring swims during the contest.
- Competitors must use a keep-net of a size and length to comply with the Environment Agency Bye-Laws. Competitors to take every care to keep fish alive, which after being weighed in must be returned carefully to the water. If for any reason a competitor’s fish are deemed to be in distress, the stewards shall have the power to weigh the fish and return them to the water during the contest. All fish estimated to be over 5lb shall be bank weighed, witnessed by an angler in an adjacent peg and returned to the water immediately. All carp retained during matches shall be retained in a separate keep-net to any other fish caught.
- The practice of rolling fish down a keep-net when emptying is to be avoided. Rolling may result in disqualification from the match result .
- Any competitor who has litter lying on the bank of his swim may not have his catch weighed in.The individual weight of each competitor’s catch will be recorded to the nearest 4 drams on standardised scales.
- Any objection must be lodged with a member of the Match Committee or a referee within one hour of the final whistle or signal. Irregularities which are brought to the notice at a later date may be dealt with only by, and at the discretion of the Match Committee.
- The holders of trophies shall, upon presentation, give guarantee for the safety and shall deliver them in a clean and satisfactory condition to the Secretary when requested.
- All these rules are subject to the River Authority Bye-Laws.
- Should the Match Committee consider it necessary to terminate a contest prior to the pre-agreed time, catches will be weighed in and prizes presented. Any prizes not won will be drawn for.
- The Match Committee decision on any matter not provided for in the rules shall be final.